Last updated: March 29th, 2022
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Network requirements

This site lists all ports and IP ranges that must be permitted to use the webcast platform

Webcast Audience Members  

This section covers the required ports, domain names and IP ranges that Webcast audience members must have access to on their network.

Please note that the stream types used on each broadcast can vary based on presentation settings.

Domain names

Protocols / Ports
IP addresses
Webcast Presenters - Audio Events  

This section covers the required ports, domain names and IP ranges that Webcast presenters for audio events must have access to on their network.

Domain names
Protocols / Ports
IP Addresses
Webcast Presenters - Video Events  

This section covers the required ports, domain names and IP ranges that Webcast presenters for Video events must have access to on their network.

Please note the required access is dependent on the broadcast acquisition type used for the presentation.

Domain names

Protocols / Ports
IP Addresses